Just Some Stuff I Like
First and foremost, I’m a bag slut.
I don’t even want to count how many I truly own. The number will shock me and my bank account.
I’m talkin travel backpacks, sachel bags, bags that go inside my bags (you know, those travel cubes), hiking bags; you name it, I probably have it.
The sad part is I don’t think I’ll ever stop researching and buying bags.
This is just an example.
My “bag slut” example is a representation of what you’ll find on this page: travel gear, conference essentials, my personal art collection, kitchen gear, a cool lamp that might not be from IKEA, or the best pencil for taking notes in a meeting.
I use a ton of different things in my daily life that I think people should also have or maybe skip on the Instagram ad that caught your eye.
I also want to know what you use so I can up my game, so please let me know what cool new gadget is out there making life easier or is just really fucking cool…
My Personal Art Collection
Living down the street from an Art Studio was one of the best things that could have happened to me.
Kalkman Gallery
Maastricht, Netherlands